23 free fractions worksheets and resources for KS4 maths

Adding, subtracting, multiplying, finding equivalents, converting to decimals or percentages? Whatever you're doing with fractions, these activities and worksheets have you covered…

- by Teachwire
- Classroom expertise and free resources for teachers

1 | Celebrity cracker-eating challenge – Ordering fractions activity

Author: Andy Lutwyche
There’s a Celebrity cracker-eating contest going on, and students need to order the fractions to see who wins each heat and the series.
Each one has an increasing difficulty of common denominator.
2 | Adding and subtracting fractions

Author: Andy Lutwyche
This sheet lets students pick the section on which they need more work, from plain old fractions, through functional plain old fractions, through mixed numbers, through functional mixed numbers.
There are no bells, whistles, or anything like that, just a load of questions.
There is, however, a ‘Prove It’ sheet so that your class can show you what they can now do.
3 | Fractions of an amount treasure hunt

Author: David Morse
This activity requires students to work out factions of an amount when the numerator is not ‘1’. Deciphering the encrypted clue reveals where the treasure is hidden! It is great for consolidation or revision.
These question cards have been prepared in two sizes. The large cards can be pinned around around the classroom and used for a whole class activity; the smaller (loop cards) can be used for group work or by individuals.
4 | Fractions bingo game

Author: Claire Mooney
This is an introduction bingo game on finding the fraction shaded on a diagram.
5 | Fractions of an amount loop cards

Author: David Morse
These reusable cards are excellent for one-to-one tutorials and interventions. They are also great when working with small groups or as a starter/plenary for a whole class.
This particular set allows students to practise working out fractions of quantities when the numerator of the fraction is not ‘1’.
In this download there are four sets of similar cards and a student chooses one of the sets and sorts them into order by answering the questions. Then they try to do it faster using a different set, which has the same questions, but a different sort order
6 | Adding and subtracting fractions codebreakers

Author: Andy Lutwyche
This resource features the usual joke, with the challenge being to find the punchline. But for this there are two sheets: sheet one is relatively easy, whereas sheet two is all mixed numbers.
7 | Fraction of an amount domino game

Author: Claire Mooney
This is a simple domino activity to find a fraction of an amount.
8 | Fraction of a number codebreaker

Author: Andy Lutwyche
Reveal the Tim Vine joke by finding the fractions of a number.
9 | Crack the safe – fractions collection activity

Author: Andy Lutwyche
Four ‘Crack The Safe’ activities on fractions: adding/subtracting, multiplying/dividing, mixed numbers and fraction of an amount.
Each contains six questions and 10 possible answers. The reason behind this is to allow students to check their own answers whilst the teacher can spend time with anyone who requires more help.
10 | Algebraic fractions and simplifying

Author: David Morse
This worksheet contains the full range of exam-type questions that require students to simplify algebraic fractions by factorising. Questions gradually increase in difficulty with the last row being particularly challenging.
Answers are included.
Equivalent fractions
11 | Equivalent fractions card sort activity

Author: Claire Mooney
As it sounds, this is a card sort for equivalent fractions.
12 | 32 multiple-choice equivalent fractions questions

Author: Simon Murphy
This multiple-choice activity on equivalent fractions can be used for AFL, revision, and as a starter or a plenary.
It works well with mini whiteboards and is adaptable to voting systems. Can easily be printed off for class use.
13 | Equivalent fractions PowerPoint

Author: Skillsheets
This PowerPoint uses diagrams and photographs to illustrate the equivalence of simple fractions.
14 | ‘Who won the prize?’ equivalent fractions quiz

Author: Andy Lutwyche
Just a quick starter or plenary using fractions in a bit of context. Decide who won the prize in the quiz by using equivalent fractions.
Fractions and decimals
15 | Fractions, decimals, percentages equivalence codebreaker

Author: Andy Lutwyche
This is just a quick homework, starter or plenary activity which gives a punchline to another lame joke.
16 | Fractions, decimals and percentages conversion for KS3 Maths

Author: Andy Lutwyche
This hopefully covers all bases involving fractions, decimals and percentages from simplifying up to converting recurring decimals to fractions and everything in between.
17 | Fractions to decimals treasure hunt

Author: David Morse
This is a quick activity, ideal as a starter, that helps verify students knowledge of common fraction-decimal equivalences. Deciphering the encrypted clue reveals where the treasure is hidden!
18 | Decimals to fractions treasure hunt

Author: David Morse
This activity gives students practice at converting decimals to fractions. These are the standard conversions which many students eventually learn. The more-complex conversions are in a different bundle.
GCSE revision
19 | Simplifying algebraic fractions GCSE revision worksheets

Author: David Morse
Ideal for GCSE revision, this worksheet contains the full range of exam-type questions that require students to simplify algebraic fractions by factorising.
Questions gradually increase in difficulty with the last row being particularly challenging.
Answers are included, as is a new style of PowerPoint, which allows individual questions to be selected for enlarged display onto a screen.
The answer can then be worked out ‘live’ by the teacher (or student) or a single click will reveal my solution.
20 | Algebraic fractions GCSE revision worksheet – Solving equations

Author: David Morse
Same as above, this is ideal for GCSE revision, this is one of a collection of worksheets which contain exam-type questions that gradually increase in difficulty.
Questions gradually increase in difficulty with the last row being particularly challenging, and involves solving quadratics.
21 | Algebraic fractions: Adding and subtracting worksheet for GCSE revision

Author: David Morse
Same again, this is one of a collection of worksheets which contain exam-type questions increasing in difficulty.
22 | Algebraic fractions: equations – GCSE 9-1 exam question practice worksheet

Author: David Morse
This carefully selected compilation of exam questions has fully worked solutions designed for students to go through at home, saving valuable time in class.
They’re great for printing as an A5 booklet and to issue in class or give out as a homework.
23 | Simplifying algebraic fractions – GCSE 9-1 exam question practice worksheet

Author: David Morse
Same as above, but for simplifying fractions.