This equivalent fractions card sort activity is an engaging and hands-on resource designed to support your KS2 and KS3 pupils in developing their understanding of fractions.
The activity is straightforward to prepare – simply print and cut out the cards before the lesson, or ask students to do it.
Once ready, pupils can begin sorting the cards into groups of four, with each group containing two equivalent fraction cards and two matching picture cards.
Equivalent fractions card sort
The visual representations on the picture cards provide a helpful scaffold for pupils who may find fractions challenging.
By linking the numerical fraction cards to visual models, such as fraction bars or pie charts, pupils can deepen their conceptual understanding.
This approach is particularly useful for visual learners, as it reinforces the equivalence of fractions in an accessible way.
This activity works well as part of a guided maths lesson, an independent task or even a collaborative group challenge.
It encourages pupils to work systematically, compare fractions and justify their reasoning when grouping cards.
The resource can be used to consolidate previous learning or to introduce the concept of equivalent fractions in an interactive and memorable way.
This equivalent fractions card sort is a valuable addition to your maths toolkit, offering an engaging and practical way for pupils to explore and understand a key mathematical concept.
Find more of Claire Mooney’s resources on her TES page.