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Fractions of amounts worksheet – For KS2, including bar models

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Key Stage



Years 3-6


This fractions of amounts worksheet pack from White Rose Maths contains a worksheet that gives a clear example of how to use bar modelling to demonstrate fractions of an amount.

For example, one example shows you how to use bar modelling to find 1/7 of 28 by following these steps:

  • Draw a bar and split it into 7 equal sections. The full bar represents 28 because we are finding 1/7 of 28
  • Splitting the bar into seven equal sections is the same as calculating what 28 ÷ 7 is so write this calculation alongside the bar model.
  • Write the answer to each calculation in each box of the bar model.
  • Because we want 1/7 we just need the value of one of the boxes.
  • Therefore the answer to 1/7 of 28 = 4.

There’s also a fractions of amounts worksheet for children to fill in. Here, children have to, for example, complete the bar model and calculations to show the answer to 1/6 of 42.

The second fractions of amounts worksheet covers fluency, reasoning and problem-solving. Children need to use a pictorial method to solve each question.

Example questions

  • A bag of apples weighs 15kg. Jasmine takes 1/3 of the apples. How much do her apples weigh?
  • Dan has a 20p and a 10p. He spends half of his money on a yoyo. How much money does he have left?
  • Mo buys a key ring for 16p. His mum gives him a quarter of the money. How much money does he have to pay himself? Draw the coins he might use.

White Rose Maths provides high-quality, research-driven maths resources to support teaching and learning.

Fractions of amount worksheet
Fractions of amounts worksheet – For KS2, including bar models
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