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Maths codebreakers – Free humorous worksheets for KS2-4

Andy Lutwyche
by Andy Lutwyche

Maths resource creator

What's included?

Word docs

Key Stage

KS2, KS3, KS4


Years 5-11


These maths codebreakers for KS2-4 cover a wide range of maths topics including:

  • highest common factor or lowest common multiple
  • area and perimeter
  • standard form
  • adding and subtracting dractions
  • average and range
  • simplifying expressions
  • fractions, decimals and percentages
  • multiplying and dividing fractions
  • fractions of a number
  • circle theorems
  • equivalent fractions

Students need to solve a range of questions on these topics, then link their answers to the provided table. Unjumble the letters to find out the answer to some (very bad) jokes, such as:

  • Why was the prawn so lonely?
  • Why did the decimal beat the integer in argument?
  • What did the farmer use to help him do his accounts?

These activities are suitable for KS3/4 and even upper KS2. For students who find maths challenging, working towards a humorous goal can make the abstract concepts more tangible and memorable.

Conversely, for more advanced students, maths codebreakers can serve as a quick and enjoyable review of these mathematical fundamentals, ensuring they retain their skills over time.

By engaging with maths codebreakers, students practise critical thinking and problem-solving skills. They must apply their mathematical knowledge to find the correct answers. They then have to use logical reasoning to unjumble the letters, promoting a deeper level of cognitive engagement.

While these maths codebreakers can be completed individually, they also lend themselves to pair or small group work. This encourages students to discuss their mathematical strategies and reasoning. This collaborative approach can enhance understanding through peer explanations and shared problem-solving techniques.

Andy Lutwyche creates maths resources. Browse his TES shop. You can also follow him on Twitter at @andylutwyche. Download more Key Stage 3 maths worksheets.

Maths codebreakers
Maths codebreakers – Free humorous worksheets for KS2-4
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