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Year 6 English worksheets – Free printable KS2 resources

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19 Word docs

Key Stage



Year 6


These Year 6 English worksheets are structured around narratives, non-fiction and poetry. They will support work you’re doing across the curriculum as well as in literacy teaching.

The activities follow the main literacy priorities in Year 6 and are designed to be used flexibly, alongside a teacher or parent.

Each Year 6 English worksheet has a clear focus and advice to the adult as well as the child. There are four main types:

  • Understanding and engaging with texts
  • Shaping texts
  • Sentence structure and punctuation
  • Spelling

Each unit contains a mixture of these activity types.

Example Year 6 English worksheets

These are just some of the Year 6 English worksheets included in this download:

  • Genre – Read the extracts and work out what type of story the author is telling in each case
  • Describing a character – Write a paragraph to describe each character. Think about whether you want the reader to like your character or not and reflect this in the words and phrases you choose
  • Dashes – Insert the missing dashes into the sentences
  • Conversations – Add the correct punctuation to the extracts
  • Biography – Underline or highlight the key information in the text. Make your own notes so that you could tell someone about Louis Pasteur in less than 50 words
  • Non-chronological report – Group the notes into paragraphs for a report about Isaac Newton. Draft the first two paragraphs of the report
  • Complex sentences – Insert commas into the sentences then underline the main clause
  • Prefixes – Add the correct prefix to each word. Use a dictionary to check any you are unsure of
  • News report – Read the news report, then identify and label the features
  • News report – Read the letter from a World War II parent to their child who has been evacuated. Underline the facts about the bombing. Use these to write a news report about it

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Year 6 English worksheets
Year 6 English worksheets – Free printable KS2 resources
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