This resource is full of Year 10 GCSE art sketchbook ideas. Students will find this walkthrough guide easy to follow and it addresses all the assessment objectives in the AQA specification.
Equally, this resource is also useful for teachers. It provides a step-by-step course structure that you can adapt to meet your particular requirements.
The guide offers background information on the nature of the AQA specification. This includes how it’s marked and the requirements of the assessment objectives.
This resource guides pupils through a broad range of activities which link directly to assessment objectives, therefore encouraging full coverage of them.
Use this resource to provide an extra level of support for students who are struggling with Year 10 GCSE art sketchbook ideas.
Year 10 GCSE art sketchbook ideas
This booklet will help students develop a thorough sketchbook on the theme of natural forms. The first task involves researching the work of sculptor Henry Moore. Pupils will then do pencil drawings of stones and pebbles that have similar shapes to Moore’s sculptures. Next, they are guided to draw shells, bones or pebbles in biro or ink pen, without taking their pen off the paper.
Students will also look at the work of Henrique Oliveira, Ernst Haeckel, Levi van Veluw and Piet Mondrian.
Towards the end of the guide, students will reflect on how the project is going and how they can develop it further. They will then plan their final idea and document the process of making it.
Assessment objectives
- AO1: Develop ideas through investigations, demonstrating critical understanding of sources.
- AO2: Refine work by exploring ideas, selecting and experimenting with appropriate media, materials, techniques and processes.
- AO3: Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to intentions as work progresses.
- AO4: Present a personal and meaningful response that realises intentions and demonstrates understanding of visual language.
Start Art Education provides a wide range of resources spanning a variety of subject areas. The author, Mael Matthews, is an experienced educator with 20 years of art teaching in secondary schools. Read our advice about GCSE art final pieces.