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Year 3 spelling words – Words with ‘ei’, ‘eigh’ and ‘ey’

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Six-page PDF

Key Stage



Year 3


This Year 3 spelling words worksheet covers the letter patterns ei, eigh and ey, which often make the long a sound, as in game. For example: weight, eight, grey.

There is no rule for these spelling patterns. They just have to learnt. However, ey and eigh are more common than ei.

Learning objective

Know that vowel sounds can be made using a variety of letter combinations

Year 3 spelling words activities

To start, pupils need to choose words from a list in which ei, eigh or ey make the long a sound. Be careful – some words are included to trick you.

Next, students need to identify and write down two words containing the long a sound in each of the included sentences.

Finally, they need to write sentences containing eight selected words, including weigh, neighbour and sleigh.

Extension activity

Read pupils the following passage. Ask them to listen out for the long a sound. Agree a way of them
showing when they hear it, e.g. standing up for a moment.

Gratefully, the eight children ate their cake. They were so hungry! It was late and their new neighbour had forgotten to say that she would be delayed. Now they felt great as they travelled through a thin veil of light rain on the freight train. It would not be the same living in Spain, but they knew they had to obey their parents. It would be like a great holiday and was well worth the wait.

This is a sample of Keen Kite’s Ready, Steady, Practise! – Year 3 Spelling series. Browse more Year 3 and 4 spelling list resources and free KS2 spelling worksheets.

Year 3 spelling words worksheets
Year 3 spelling words – Words with ‘ei’, ‘eigh’ and ‘ey’
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