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KS2 World War 2 – School logbooks history lesson plan

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Zipped file containing PDF of lesson plan and PDF of source materials

Key Stage



Years 3-6


School logbooks provide fascinating first-hand accounts of everyday life during wartime in this KS2 World War 2 lesson plan from Rachel Bruce…

From 1870 until the 1950s, headteachers had to keep records of what happened within their school. This included inspections and visitors, as well as outbreaks of illnesses and absences.

The logbooks they kept give us an insight into how our schools can link into national and global events. This lesson is a fantastic opportunity for pupils to carry out their own research into the impact of air raids on York and the area around the city. 

All the source materials for this lesson are included in the download.

KS2 World War 2 learning objectives

  • Why York was a target for air raids in World War II
  • What the Baedeker raids were 
  • How school logbooks can help us learn about history 
  • The consequences of the bombing on the local area 

Starter activity

This lesson looks at the impact of the destructive air raids carried out by the Luftwaffe (the German Air Force) in the spring of 1942.

Introduce the topic by asking the children why they think York would have been a target for German air raids. Discuss how it was an important part of the railway network. This was vital for transporting goods and people around the country.

Explain that the city also had cultural and historic buildings. It therefore became part of Germany’s plan to destroy public morale by bombing historic cities, through the Baedeker raids.

Rachel Bruce is a primary school teacher in York who is passionate about local history and reading. She is an Historical Association teacher fellow and subject leader. Browse more WW2 KS2 resources.

KS2 World War 2 history lesson plan
KS2 World War 2 – School logbooks history lesson plan
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