This KS3 maths formula sheet first asks students to link each statement with a formula in the given table.
For example, one of the statements is: Total cost (in £C) for a show that costs £5 per ticket (n).
Once students have linked all four statements to the correct formula, they then move on to part two. This involves writing your own formula for each of the given statements.
Example statements:
- The total cost (in £C) of buying n books at £4 per book.
- The amount of rope remaining (in T metres) on a 10 metre length after n metres have been cut off.
- The total cost (in £T) of hiring a car when the company charges £20 for hire plus 40p per mile (m) driven.
This KS3 maths formula sheet is particularly good for those who aren’t overly keen on algebra.
KS3 Maths Curriculum Area
Algebra Use and interpret algebraic notation, including:
- ab in place of a × b
- 3y in place of y + y + y and 3 × y
- a2 in place of a × a, a3 in place of a × a × a; a2b in place of a × a × b
- a/b in place of a ÷ b
- Coefficients written as fractions rather than as decimals
- Brackets
Andy Lutwyche is a purveyor of mathematics and a producer of resources, more of which you can find on his TES shop. You can also follow him on Twitter at @andylutwyche. Download Higher and Foundation maths formula booklets and KS3 algebra resources.