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Worlds and Lives poetry anthology – Ultimate revision guide

What's included?

33-page PDF and editable PowerPoint

Key Stage



Years 10-11


This free teacher-made Worlds and Lives poetry anthology ultimate revision guide provides everything students need for effective revision. This includes everything from detailed annotations of every poem to practical tools for essay writing and exam preparation.

Teacher Andie Forster has meticulously analysed each poem, offering annotations that delve into key themes, poetic devices and historical context.

This makes it an excellent tool for helping students unpack complex ideas and develop nuanced interpretations.

Alongside this, this Worlds and Lives poetry anthology guide includes a vocabulary section, covering sophisticated academic terms and poetic techniques. This ensures students are equipped to articulate their analyses with precision.

Worlds and Lives poetry anthology guide

For essay practice, the Worlds and Lives poetry anthology guide excels in offering clear structures and methods to approach comparison questions.

You’ll appreciate the inclusion of exemplar essays and step-by-step strategies. These build students’ confidence in writing about poetry under exam conditions.

Additionally, key quotations for each poem are highlighted, with detailed explanations to aid memory and deepen understanding.

Practical activities

The revision guide doesn’t stop there. It also features practical activities such as mind-mapping exercises and methods to interleave revision. These are all designed to reinforce knowledge and encourage independent learning.

Practice essay questions enable you to prepare students for the 30-mark comparison tasks. They’ll learn how to effectively balance analysis of both provided and unseen poetry.

A particularly useful feature is the theme tracker. This identifies recurring ideas across the anthology and suggests pairs of poems that compare well. This allows you to guide students in planning comparisons that align with exam criteria.

This guide is ideal for classroom use or independent study, offering a thorough and accessible way for students to engage with the Worlds and Lives anthology.

It’s a complete toolkit to ensure success in poetry analysis and comparison, and a valuable addition to any teacher’s resource collection.

What is the Worlds and Lives poetry anthology?

The Worlds and Lives poetry anthology from AQA is an exciting, modern collection of 15 poems. It includes some familiar names as well as new, current voices.

Two-thirds of the poems in the Worlds and Lives poetry anthology were published post-2000. The poems explores concerns about the world and look at relatable universal themes, including our relationship with places and ideas about home, heritage, belonging and connection.

Andie Forster is head of English, a KS3/4/5 teacher and GCSE Literature examiner and team leader. You can tip her for her resources at Browse more GCSE English Literature revision resources.

Worlds and Lives poetry anthology revision guide
Worlds and Lives poetry anthology – Ultimate revision guide
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