In the Deathly Hallows, Harry Potter is devastated by the death of his mentor and also angry at the limited information left to him by Dumbledore. He embarks with Ron and Hermione on a long, tortuous journey to find his enemy’s remaining Horcruxes so that Voldemort can be killed.
When Harry makes his last and best gesture to bravely surrender himself to Voldemort in order to end the battle of Hogwarts, everything he has worked for reaches a shining climax, allowing goodness to triumph at last.
Discussion points
Inside this resource pack you’ll find ten discussion points about the book – themed around understanding the text.
There are also four in-depth discussion points surrounding:
- Choices
- ‘Magic is might’
- Heroism
- Fantasy
Deathly Hallows project for schools
Use the ideas in this pack to hold a group debate and vote to find the most popular book in the Harry Potter series. This will help pupils to improve their persuasive writing and public speaking skills.
Children will need to prepare a one-minute talk about their allocated book. Their aim is to persuade others that theirs is the best book in the series.
More activity ideas
- Draw Voldermort
- Harry Potter charades
- Wizardry in pictures
- Produce a crossword
Visit the Bloomsbury website for more Harry Potter discussion guides and reward certificates. Browse more ideas for teaching with Harry Potter.