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Reading comprehension research – Overview for teachers

What's included?

3-page PDF

Key Stage

KS1, KS2


Years 1-6


This reading comprehension research overview from the National Literacy Trust will help you:

  • Understand the English curriculum requirements for reading comprehension
  • Get up to speed with research on reading comprehension
  • Learn how to implement best practice in your school
  • Review reading comprehension in your school with a one-page checklist

Reading comprehension research

This section of the document sets out key developments in research along with core reports to inform whole-school reading comprehension review and development.

Practice and passion

This section of the document contains good practice examples and resources for reading comprehension.

Example checklist items


The school has a well-developed philosophy regarding reading which explains that at the heart of reading is its purpose: we read for meaning.

The school combines reading for both information and to connect and experience texts within a coherent and well-expressed policy. It communicates this to all stakeholders.


English leaders put strategies in place to ensure that staff are confident and competent in their knowledge and understanding of comprehension and its different elements.


Pupils are scaffolded to develop confidence in their response to texts of all types. They are happy to share their opinions and respect the views of others within the class.

The National Literacy Trust is an independent charity that empowers children, young people, and adults with the literacy skills they need to succeed. Browse more resources for KS1 reading comprehension and download comprehension worksheets.

Reading comprehension research overview for teachers
Reading comprehension research – Overview for teachers
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