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Written methods of multiplication – KS2 3-step traffic light method

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PDF lesson plan

Key Stage



Years 3-6


Help KS2 children to use formal written methods of multiplication with this simple three-step process…

The maths curriculum requires pupils in Y3 and above to use formal written methods of multiplication. How can we ensure they are ready to tackle written methods?

A simple traffic light system that breaks down the procedure into three colour-coded steps helps children visualise and verbalise the most important aspects of the process. This leads to a better understanding of the written method of multiplication you are exploring.

It also makes it easy for you to see which stage pupils are struggling with and give extra support where necessary.

Written methods of multiplication learning objectives

  • Recall multiplication facts and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 x 12
  • Multiply two and three digit numbers by a one digit number using formal written methods of multiplication
  • Use place value, known and derived facts to multiply and divide mentally

Starter activity

Warm up with a game of Traffic Lights. Children play it in pairs and start by drawing a 3×3 grid on a mini whiteboard.

Each team needs six red, six orange and six green counters. When it is your turn to play you must either place a red counter in an empty square, replace a red counter already on the board with an orange one, or replace an orange counter with a green one.

Players win by completing a line (row, column, or diagonal) of three counters all the same colour.

Introduce the objectives for the lesson and recap core vocabulary: multiplication, product, times, multiplied by.

Ian Eagleton is a Y4 primary school teacher at Elmwood Primary in Essex and an education consultant. Browse more times tables activities.

Lesson plan about written methods of multiplication
Written methods of multiplication – KS2 3-step traffic light method
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