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Plastic bags – Animals and the environment resource

What's included?

The Week Junior newspaper article and worksheet

Key Stage

KS2, KS3


Years 3-9

This resource is from literacy resources website Plazoom’s Topical Tuesdays collection. It introduces children to the effects of plastic bags on animals in the ocean via news article from The Week Junior.

The article discusses how traditional plastic bags can stay around for 1,000 years. It also looks at what alternatives we have for a greener future.

This PDF resource includes the article as well as accompanying cross-curricular activity ideas:

  • Hold a debate on newer plastic bags that only take three years to decay. Even if these new compostable and biodegradable bags take a little longer than expected to break down, do we need to worry?
  • List as many words starting with the prefix ‘bio’ as you can think of. Write a brief description of each. Use a dictionary to help if you get stuck.
  • Write a five sentence story charting the journey of a plastic bag from the shop to the ocean. Use sequencing conjunctions to make the order in which things happen clear.
  • Shopping bags can hold up to 2kg in weight. Investigate how much food this is and how many ways you can get 2kg of food using different items.

To find out more about The Week Junior visit Download 15 similar writing activity sheets and browse the whole range of free Topical Tuesday resources.

Browse more resources for World Environment Day, Earth Day and World Ocean Day.

Plastic bags science resource
Plastic bags – Animals and the environment resource
PrimarySecondaryCitizenship ...
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