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Tier 2 vocabulary – Free Year 6 activities pack

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Key Stage



Year 6


Develop Tier 2 vocabulary in Year 6 with this free activities pack – part of Plazoom’s Word Whoosh collection.

This Year 6 resource pack clarifies and extends children’s understanding of Tier 2 vocabulary. It helps them to use a wider range of words when speaking and orally composing sentences.

Tier 2 vocabulary resources for Year 6

The pack covers the following words:

  • authority
  • distinct
  • proceed
  • versatile
  • vulnerable
  • economy

What’s in this Tier 2 vocabulary pack?

This Tier 2 resource pack is divided into four activities:

  • read and visualise
  • associate
  • understand
  • definition

In the definition section, pupils will complete a Superpower sheet, which is a graphic organiser to help build and develop vocabulary, as a class or independently.

This Tier 2 vocabulary pack includes:

  • Read and visualise: vocabulary display card with an image and definition, smaller vocabulary cards for pupil use, sentence cards
  • Associate: word web
  • Understand: word or image cards
  • Define and master: ‘Superpower’ recording sheet based on the Frayer model
  • Teaching notes

How to use these resources

Use these resources as a series of short tasks as part of a group or with the whole class over a week so you regularly revisit the word.

Alternatively, use them as a starter activity to an English lesson or teach them as a short discrete daily lesson.

What is Tier 2 vocabulary?

We sometimes refer to Tier 2 words as academic vocabulary. They are words that appear across topics but are not commonly used in conversation and may have multiple meanings.

The explicit teaching of these words helps develop pupils’ comprehension and their ability to chose words for clarity and effect when writing.

More Tier 2 vocabulary resources

Word Whoosh is a whole-school vocabulary resource from literacy resources website Plazoom. It contains 36 focus words for each year group from Reception to Year 6.

Each year group has 12 words per term. You can teach these in any order according to the needs of your class or school. There are also ‘greater depth’ versions for Year 6.

Find out more about Plazoom.

Tier 2 vocabulary resources
Tier 2 vocabulary – Free Year 6 activities pack
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