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This Morning I Met A Whale – KS2 planning

What's included?

Three-page PDF featuring cross-curricular activity ideas

Key Stage



Years 3-6


This Morning I Met a Whale by Michael Morpurgo is a delight in itself, but the opportunities it provides to explore with children not only environmental issues but also the wider question of their role and voice in society is one that’s too good to miss.

This PDF features a range of activities that demonstrate how much you can do with a single text.

What is This Morning I Met a Whale about?

This Morning I Met a Whale is a fictional account of the day a whale swam up the Thames. In the book, the whale makes an environmental plea to the boy who first sees him.

The whale warns that the earth’s days are numbered and that humans must put right the damage they are doing. But how can Michael fulfil his promise to tell others when neither his teacher nor his classmates will believe his story?

Activities to try

  • Piece together an illustrated events timeline of the true story as a whole class or in groups
  • Write a news report of a key moment from the story using quotes and witness accounts
  • Write and illustrate an explanation text detailing the rescue operation
  • Send a persuasive letter to the school council or headteacher asking for whole-school support on an environmental issue
  • Make an advert to encourage more children to respond to your environmental message
  • Create an information leaflet for a different class about one of the issues you’ve researched
  • Prepare and hold a whole-school debate or symposium to discuss one or more of the issues raised
  • Design and compile your own environmental newspaper

Browse more great resources for Michael Morpurgo Month and World Environment Day.

This Morning I Met a Whale KS2 planning
This Morning I Met A Whale – KS2 planning
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