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IGCSE geography – KS4 sample lessons from This is Geography

What's included?

Word documents and Powerpoints

Key Stage



Years 10-11


This sample IGCSE geography resource pack from This is Geography includes four lessons.

  • Introduction to population – birth rate, death rate, fertility rate, dependency ratio, infant mortality rate, life expectancy, migration, natural increase, population distribution and density
  • China’s child policy – why it was introduced, problems and benefits of the policy, recent changes
  • Hard and soft engineering – flood management, dams and reservoirs, channel straightening, embankments, flood relief channels, afforestation, wetlands and flood storage areas, floodplain zoning
  • Problems in urban areas (Rio de Janeiro) – Brazil facts, challenges, health, water supply, education, energy access, solutions

Each comes as a PowerPoint presentation and with accompanying Word docs.

What is IGCSE geography?

IGCSE geography is the ‘international’ version of standard GCSE geography. It’s available in many countries around the world. In the UK, IGCSE geography is typically taught at international schools or private schools.

This is Geography provides lesson plans for KS2-5. Find the whole selection at Follow on Twitter at @thisisgeography.

IGCSE Geography sample lessons
IGCSE geography – KS4 sample lessons from This is Geography
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