11-page PDF activity pack
KS1, KS2
Years 1-6
The Singing Mermaid is a book by Julia Donaldson and Lydia Monks. This resource pack contains numerous ideas for classroom activities, including:
- Information about mermaids
- Story starters based around Silver Sands
- Instructions for making hand-print fish puppets
- Activity about drawing and creating a circus character
What is The Singing Mermaid about?
The Singing Mermaid is about a mermaid who is tempted away from her home at Silver Sands to join the circus. The audiences love her but the poor mermaid, kept in a tank by the wicked circus owner Sam Sly, soon longs to return to the freedom of the sea. Will she ever escape?
Little Angel Theatre in Islington is a home for puppetry and an innovative theatre. It works with its local, diverse community to break down barriers to arts engagement so all can benefit and enjoy this remarkable art form.