The Year 2 maths worksheets in this free printable workbook help pupils to practise key concepts from the Year 2 maths curriculum.
Each topic consists of basic questions plus a range of more difficult ‘challenge and extension’ questions.

Year 2 maths worksheets
The approach is based on the successful maths programme delivered in Shanghai. The worksheets cover the following topics:
Equal grouping
Make totals by equal grouping
Sample question: Circle the dots to group and fill in the blanks.
One-hundred number chart
Explore patterns on a 100-square
Sample question: Fill in the missing numbers on the 100-number chart in order.
Addition and subtraction of numbers up to 20
Add and subtract numbers within 20
Sample question: Using the three numbers given in each group, make two addition sentences and two subtraction sentences.
Fun with calculation
Use the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction
Sample question: Fill in each circle with a suitable number so that the sum of the three numbers on each line is 15.
Comparing numbers
Use < and > to compare addition and subtraction bonds
Sample question: Fill in the circle with >, < or =.
This is a sample from The Shanghai Maths Project Practice Book 2. The Shanghai Maths Project is an authentic Shanghai resource adapted for the English curriculum. Find out more about The Shanghai Maths Project. Browse our Year 1 maths worksheets and browse maths games KS1 ideas.