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Maya KS2 – What happened to the Maya?

What's included?


Key Stage



Years 3-6


Many of us will have taught Maya KS2 lessons about the history of the Mayan civilisation. But what is life like for the Maya today?

This geography lesson plan is designed for Key Stage 2. It helps support an enquiry into a region within the Americas.

Although it can stand alone, or within a wider Americas geography topic, it’s been designed to follow on from a Mayans KS2 historical enquiry.

Maya KS2 activities

The activities will help children develop a locational and place knowledge of Central America (including a ‘sense of place’), as they draw on a variety of maps and sources.

They will also contribute to your class’ appreciation of diversity and democratic values, as part of social, moral, spiritual and cultural understanding.

Children will learn:

  • About the modern-day Maya
  • Where the Maya live and what is happening there today
  • The kind of future that the modern Maya face

Ben Ballin is a primary geography and global learning consultant, and co-author of Back2Front: The Americas. He leads CPD on South America and the Maya for the Geographical and Historical Associations.

Maya KS2 lesson plan
Maya KS2 – What happened to the Maya?
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