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Teaching interview questions – 24 questions you should practise

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Years 1-11

Are you preparing for an upcoming job interview in the education sector? We understand that it’s nerve-wracking to be in the spotlight, facing a barrage of teaching interview questions. However, being well-prepared is key to success.

Take a minute to download this free PDF containing 24 common teacher interview questions. It’s a comprehensive document that covers key areas that school leaders often focus on during teacher interviews. This includes:

  • curriculum and lesson planning
  • classroom management and behaviour
  • assessment and feedback
  • CPD and collaboration

Teaching interview questions about lesson planning

Curriculum and lesson planning play a vital role in effective teaching. Our PDF provides you with common interview questions that, if answered well, will help you demonstrate your expertise in developing engaging and student-centered lesson plans aligned with educational standards.

These types of questions are your chance to showcase your ability to adapt lessons and differentiate instruction to meet the diverse needs of your students.

Classroom management and behaviour

Classroom management and behaviour are crucial for creating a positive and conducive learning environment. Our PDF sets out some common interview questions that will give you the space to showcase your strategies for establishing routines.

You’ll also be able to talk about fostering positive relationships with students and handling challenging behaviour effectively. This section of the interview is your time to demonstrate your ability to create an inclusive classroom where every student feels valued and respected.

Assessment and feedback

Assessment and feedback are crucial components of effective teaching and student growth. Our guide covers questions that explore your understanding of assessment methods, data analysis and providing constructive feedback.

Showcasing your ability to use assessments to guide instruction and promote student progress will be sure to impress potential employers.

CPD and collaboration

Furthermore, our PDF covers common CPD and collaboration questions. This is where you can emphasise the importance of ongoing professional development and your ability to work collaboratively with colleagues. Schools highly value these important areas.

Teaching interview questions preparation

Prepare your answers to common teacher interview questions using this valuable resource and enter your interview with confidence. We wish you the best of luck in your job search. Hopefully this guide helps you to excel during your interview and land your dream teaching position!

You can also find more advice about teacher interview questions here.

Jemma Ive is operations manager at Teacher Booker. Teacher Booker offers a comprehensive recruitment platform specifically designed to meet the unique needs of LAs and MATs. Offering a powerful tool that simplifies and streamlines the recruitment process, Teacher Booker’s cutting-edge solution saves time and resources whilst providing a seamless recruitment experience. Visit

Teaching interview questions document
Teaching interview questions – 24 questions you should practise
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