One 47-page PDF and one three-page PDF
KS1, KS2
Years 2-6
This George’s Marvellous Medicine lesson ideas pack contains lesson plans, fun activity sheets and extracts for teaching literacy and PSHE.
There are six lessons in total, suitable for KS2 (and upper KS1), that cover subjects such as inference, using the best verbs, adjectives and adverbs, and using punctuation to generate excitement.
George’s Marvellous Medicine lesson ideas
- Identifying alliteration, onomatopoeia and rhyming patterns in Roald Dahl’s poetry and exploring their effect on the reader
- Writing an original poem, using Roald Dahl’s work as a model
- Using alliteration and adverbs effectively
- Using persuasive language
- Identifying how Roald Dahl uses language, punctuation and text styles to generate excitement
- Writing similes using Roald Dahl’s work as a stimulus
- Understanding how dramatic techniques bring stories to life
- Drawing inferences and justifying them with evidence from the text
- Demonstrating a deep understanding of the character of Grandma and creating an original character profile based upon George’s Grandma
- Identifying and using exciting verbs, adverbs and adjectives. Planning a piece of writing based upon the vocabulary and structure of George’s Marvellous Medicine
- Drawing inferences about characters’ feelings, justifying their inferences with evidence from the story
- Participating constructively in discussions by making appropriate comments, taking turns and listening to others
- Understanding that commonly available substances and drugs can damage health
- Understanding that revenge has a negative impact on both the perpetrator and the victim
- Providing, receiving and responding to constructive feedback, recognising and learning from others’ experience
- Understanding what is meant by having conflicting (or ‘mixed’) emotions
- Identifying when to heed emotions and when to try to overcome them
This download contains:
- Six lesson plans
- Activity sheets
- Extracts from George’s Marvellous Medicine
YPO is a proud partner of Roald Dahl education resources. Browse more free Roald Dahl Day resources.
Extra George’s Marvellous Medicine lesson ideas
If you’re looking for more George’s Marvellous Medicine lesson ideas, why not give children the chance to estimate, decant and measure their way to discovering the elusive formula for George’s titular potion?
In our second resource, children will learn measurements of capacity using standard metric units.
Jonathan Lear is a Teaching Award winner and AST at St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School, Sheffield. He’s the author of Guerilla Teaching.