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Descriptive writing – KS3/4 sweet shop differentiated activity

What's included?

Powerpoint and differentiated worksheets

Key Stage

KS3, KS4


Years 7-11


This comprehensive and user-friendly descriptive writing resource is an invaluable tool for teachers looking to enhance their students’ writing skills.

Tailored to accommodate varying levels of ability, it comes complete with differentiated worksheets. These facilitate practice and mastery of descriptive writing techniques.

This resource is designed to engage more advanced students in Key Stage 3 as well as support those in Key Stage 4 who may need additional help. It focuses on crafting vivid descriptions of a sweet shop. This is a topic ripe with potential for rich, sensory language and imaginative exploration.

Scaffolded examples

Included in the download are scaffolded examples. These serve as models for students, guiding them in structuring their own pieces of descriptive writing.

These examples not only demonstrate effective descriptive techniques but also help to spark ideas and inspire creativity among students.

Additionally, the resource provides word banks. These are tailored to the task at hand, offering a wide range of vocabulary that students can incorporate into their writing to make it more vivid, colourful, and engaging.

Moreover, the resource includes guidance on various descriptive techniques that students should aim to include in their writing. By employing these strategies, students can learn to paint a picture with words, bringing the sweet shop to life in the minds of their audience.

This resource is particularly useful for students revising for the AQA English Language Paper 1 Writing to Describe section, as it aligns closely with the exam’s objectives and criteria.

The learning objectives ensure that students not only learn to describe the key features of a piece of descriptive writing but also apply this understanding to their own work. Furthermore, it encourages students to evaluate their writing based on clear success criteria, fostering a deeper understanding of quality descriptive writing and helping them to develop their skills in a structured and effective manner.

Descriptive writing learning objectives

  • Describe the key features of a piece of descriptive writing
  • Apply understanding to your own writing
  • Evaluate your work based on clear success criteria

You can find more resources from Lead Practitioner on his website at Browse more writing to describe resources and KS3 creative writing resources for teaching plot and setting.

Descriptive writing resources
Descriptive writing – KS3/4 sweet shop differentiated activity
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