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Y1 Activities for Subtraction Crossing Ten Part 2: Spring Term, Block 1 – Addition and Subtraction – Weeks 1-4

by Teachwire

Classroom expertise and free resources for teachers

What's included?

Teacher notes, activity sheets and extension activities

Key Stage



Year 1


These activity sheets have been created to match the small steps on the White Rose maths schemes of work.

The questions include varied fluency with reasoning with problem solving, and an additional sheet with extension activities.

Children are given a variety of pictorial examples to work with and questions to provoke deeper thinking.

National Curriculum Links

Year 1 Number – Addition and Subtraction

  • Represent and use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 20.
  • Add and subtract 1-digit and 2-digit numbers to 20, including zero.
  • Solve one-step problems that involve addition and subtraction, using concrete and pictorial representations, and missing number problems.

Maths Focus

  • Children will partition numbers and use this to help them subtract when crossing the 10.
  • Children will build on their experience from Crossing 10 (1).

Maths Mastery

  • Children can use part-whole models, bead strings and ten frames to reason and explain their methods.
  • Children can confidently use a number line to count back more than one, crossing the 10.
  • Children can use their knowledge of number bonds to support their learning and solve problems more rapidly.

Click here to download all of our Year 1 maths worksheets at once.

Y1 Activities for Subtraction Crossing Ten Part 2: Spring Term, Block 1 – Addition and Subtraction – Weeks 1-4
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