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Subordinating clauses KS2 – Activity sheets

What's included?

PDFs and editable PowerPoint

Key Stage



Years 3-6


This subordinating clauses KS2 download contains resources for two separate activities: app sentence builder and colour coding.

Subordinating clauses KS2 activities

App sentence builder

To use this resource, print out our PDF templates. Use the filled-in version we’ve provided, or print out blank versions and fill them in yourself.

Students need to cut round the subordinating conjunctions and stick them on top of the ‘app’ graphics. You can then challenge them to pen sentences that use the subordinating conjunction and the corresponding theme. For instance:

As the sun was shining brightly, they had a picnic lunch in the park.

They wanted to watch TV; however, they decided to go outside and enjoy the sunny day instead.

After they finished their lunch, they played games.

Colour coding activity

Print out or display our PDF/PowerPoint templates, which feature a picture in the centre as a stimulus. As a class or in pairs, generate main clauses to describe the picture. Write these in green.

Next, write subordinate clauses in red. Remind pupils that these can’t work on their own. Where do they fit in the sentence, and what punctuation do you need?

Rebecca Jakes is assistant headteacher and SENDCo at Weeke Primary School in Winchester. Previously she has worked as an associate English advisor. Read about more subordinate clause KS2 ideas from Rebecca.

Subordinating clauses KS2 resources
Subordinating clauses KS2 – Activity sheets
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