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Simplifying ratios – KS3 maths worksheet

What's included?

PDF and Word doc version of worksheet, plus answer sheet

Key Stage



Years 7-9


In this simplifying ratios worksheet, students need to fully simplify a ratio and write it as a unitary ratio.

Questions range from procedural ones that develop fluency to problem-solving questions that draw from other topics.

PDF and answers are included.

Example simplifying ratios questions

  • Simplify 7 : 14
  • Simplify 32 : 24
  • Write 5 : 3 in the form 1 : n
  • Amir mixes 600ml of apple juice with 800 ml of orange juice to make a fruit punch. What is the ratio of apple juice to orange juice written in its simplest form?
  • The ratio of British Pounds to US Dollars is 4 ∶ 5. How much is £1 worth in US Dollars?
  • In a school, there are 750 students and 30 teachers. Write the ratio of students to teachers in the form n ∶ 1. Hence, what is the mean number of students per class (assuming one teacher per class)?

KS3 maths curriculum area

Ratio, proportion and rates of change: Use ratio notation, including reduction to simplest form

Jacob Strauss is a maths teacher interested in educational psychology, politics and practice. Find more of his resources on the TES at JDStrauss. Download 100+ problem-solving questions in our KS3 maths worksheets pack from White Rose Maths.

Simplifying ratios KS3 maths worksheet
Simplifying ratios – KS3 maths worksheet
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