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Sentence starters – Suggestions for 12 different genres

What's included?

12-page PDF

Key Stage



Years 3-6


Download these ready-made sentence starters by teacher Collette Waddle to give your pupils a host of imaginative ideas to dip into…

Sentence starters

Sentence starters

The resources cover 12 different writing genres, including:

  • Advertisements
  • Biographies
  • Diaries
  • Discursive writing
  • Explanations
  • Non-chronological reports
  • Instructions
  • Letter writing
  • Narrative
  • Newspaper reports
  • Persuasive writing
  • Recounts

9 reasons to use sentence starters
  • They’re easy to make, adapt and readily available.  
  • Starters provide scaffolding for pupils who need additional support and more time to think. 
  • Conversations become more vocabulary- and content-rich. Pupils build on each other’s ideas. 
  • They create a supportive environment where pupils encourage one another. 
  • They can be adapted for individual SEND aims to allow all pupils to access learning.  
  • Familiarity with them can help to decrease anxiety and encourage a positive mindset to get started.  
  • Like the joy of a good pick ‘n’ mix sweet selection, a budding writer can really experiment and learn new ways of expressing themselves.  
  • Sentence starters often work like a ‘word map’ to help explain struggles when pupils need help. They are a great tool for children who are non-verbal – I found this to my absolute delight! 
  • You can use them for games and spelling when you have a few spare minutes. 

Collette Waddle is a UKS2 teacher and resource creator. Follow her on Twitter @ColletteR. Read more about using sentence openers in the classroom.  

Sentence starters for teachers
Sentence starters – Suggestions for 12 different genres
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