Try these relationship education group work and behaviour activities from Kate Bradley…
As of September 2020, schools are required to follow statutory guidance concerning the teaching of relationship education in primary schools and relationships and sex education in secondary schools. You can use this lesson plan to implement this guidance into your teaching.
The DfE recommends that by the end of primary school, children should have experienced a range of learning experiences themed around:
- families and people who care for me
- caring friendships
- respectful relationships
- online relationships
- being safe
This set of lessons focuses on ‘caring friendships’ and suggests some ideas for how to include all learners within your class.
You may wish to use them as a starter, main and plenary, or extend them so they’re completed over separate lessons.
Play to the children’s strengths and adapt the stimulus to meet their interests where possible.
Relationship education learning objectives
- Learn how to maintain interactions within a small group
- Practise taking turns
- Take part in collaborative working
- Understand agreed codes of behaviour
Kate Bradley is Programme Leader: Inclusive Education at the Centre for Inclusive Education, UCL. She is co-author of the ‘101 Inclusive & SEN’ lesson series. 101 Inclusive and SEN Citizenship, PSHE and Religious Education Lessons is available now.