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Recounts KS1 – Scott of the Antarctic literacy activities

What's included?

Three Word documents

Key Stage



Years 1-2


Use this recounts KS1 resource with the Raintree-published book, Scott of the Antarctic. The resource contains a one-hour literacy lesson on learning about people from non-fiction texts.

There are also resources to help you learn about a famous person who lived at a time before living memory.

Recounts KS1 learning objectives

  • Recount events in simple sentences with evidence of full stops, capital letters and connectives
  • Recount the story and include details to engage the reader

Year 1 activity examples

  • Read the book to find answers to questions, exploring how to use the index and alphabetical order
  • Use the glossary to find definitions of unfamiliar words from reading
  • Discuss the differences between fiction and non-fiction books
  • Discuss the purpose of captions and then demonstrate how to form a sentence caption for Scott’s goggles.

Year 2 activity examples

  • After reading Scott of the Antarctic, ask the children to scan the text to find information on sailing to the Antarctic. Remind them to look for keywords such as “sailing” and “Antarctic” in the contents or to look for clues in headings.
  • Repeat this exercise by selecting a child to scan the text for information about Captain Scott’s ponies. Remind the child to look for information in the index, text or illustrations.
  • Continue to practise this activity until the children feel confident about scanning a text to find information.
  • Tell the children that they are going to help you to make notes from a section of the book. Remind them that they need only include keywords or phrases when making notes rather than complete sentences.
  • Write the information on the board as a shared writing activity. Remind the children that the information should be noted down in the same order as it appears in the text. 

Raintree has been providing classroom and library resources internationally for over 30 years.

Recounts KS1
Recounts KS1 – Scott of the Antarctic literacy activities
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