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Maths games EYFS – Early number sense activity pack

What's included?

4 PDF activity sheets

Key Stage

Early Years, KS1


Years R-2


This activity pack contains three early number sense maths games for EYFS and KS1.

Maths games to try in EYFS

Count on races game

This game helps children learn to count on mentally. Use a coin or a dice with 1 or 2 on each face. Children say the next number when counting on. For example, when starting from 7, for a jump of 2 we say ‘8, 9’.

Reasoning in addition puzzles

These reasoning in addition puzzles get children thinking deeply about the value of different shapes. This resource reinforces understanding of number bonds and can help children develop their verbal explanation skills.

Cube models activity

In this activity children need to recreate the models. This task develops visual-spatial skills and helps children to recognise two parts within the whole.

In EYFS, introducing cube models for numbers four to six is an effective way of supporting young children’s mathematical development.

Cube models are versatile tools that provide a hands-on, visual approach to understanding numbers, counting, and basic arithmetic concepts.

I See Maths‘ resources and training make learning visual and deep, helping children to build conceptual understanding through carefully designed instruction.

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Maths games EYFS – Early number sense activity pack
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