Two-page lesson plan PDF
Years 3-6
Religious education is a subject filled with knowledge about people, culture and community.
Ofsted describes learning in RE in three ways: ‘substantive’, or the specific content children learn; ‘ways of knowing’, or how we can frame the information; and ‘personal knowledge’, where children build an awareness of how their own worldview can influence or bias their learning.
In this lesson, children will compare the stories of one person who is important in two religions: Noah (as he is called in the Bible) and Nuh (as he is called in the Quran)…
What they’ll learn
- How different religions can share similar stories and therefore similar beliefs
- How our personal worldview influences our interpretation of a sacred story (hermeneutics)
- How to closely read a sacred text to find meaning
- How to question their interpretation of a text
Matthew Lane is a religion & worldviews lead at a primary school in Norfolk. Follow him on Twitter @MrMJLane and see more of his work at