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Quote analysis – AQA English Literature revision activities

What's included?

Word docs

Key Stage



Years 10-11


Are you preparing students for AQA GCSE English Literature exams? These 15-20 minute quote analysis activities helps students to plan an answer to sections A and B of both papers.

These quote analysis activities will help students develop stronger analytical skills, structure their responses effectively and use quotations with confidence.

The tests focus on quote analysis, exam-style questions and structured responses. They encourage students to engage deeply with key texts while refining their ability to construct well-supported arguments – an essential skill for achieving top grades.

Why use these quote analysis activities?

  • Aligned with AQA’s assessment objectives to help students practise key skills for the exams
  • Encourages students to plan their answers using precise quotations, analysis, and comparative techniques
  • Use as class activities, homework assignments or revision exercises
  • Helps weaker students build confidence while stretching high achievers to develop sophisticated interpretations

What’s included?

Paper 1 activities


How does Shakespeare present…

  • Macbeth as a powerful character?
  • Lady Macbeth as a manipulative woman?
  • ideas about life and death?

A Christmas Carol

  • To what extent does Dickens present Scrooge as a responsible character?
  • Explore how Dickens presents ideas about morality
  • Explore how Dickens presents ideas about isolation and loneliness

Paper 2 activities

Never Let Me Go

  • How does Ishiguro explore ideas about creativity?
  • “Tommy is the most important character in ‘Never Let Me Go’” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
  • How does Ishiguro present the guardians?
  • “The novel is simply a story of love and what it causes.” To what extent do you agree?
  • How does Ishiguro present Ruth as powerful?
  • “Ishiguro presents a futuristic world and a scientific fable”. To what extent do you agree?

Power and conflict poetry

Compare how poets present…

  • ideas about fear in ‘Charge of the Light Brigade’ and one other poem
  • ideas about pride in ‘Checking Out Me History’ and one other poem
  • changing or changed perspectives in ‘War Photographer’ and one other poem

Laura Holder is an English teacher and Shakespeare lover. You can find her at and on X at @LauraLolder, and find more of her resources on her TES page laurajholder. We also have an AQA English Literature Paper 1 revision resource.

Quote analysis AQA English Literature revision activities
Quote analysis – AQA English Literature revision activities
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