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Puppet by David Almond – KS1/2 cross-curricular planning

What's included?

PDFs featuring cross-curricular ideas

Key Stage

KS1, KS2


Years 1-6


Puppet by David Almond is a heartwarming story, charmingly illustrated by Lizzy Stewart, that provides lots of opportunities to think about life’s big questions…

What is Puppet by David Almond about?

What should a puppet master do when he’s old and alone, and all his puppets are gone? This is the beautiful story of an old puppet master, named Sylvester, who decides to make one last toy.

Cobbled together from bits and pieces he finds lying about his workbench, the marionette he creates is a strange little thing, like nothing he’s made before – and when Sylvester speaks to him, Puppet speaks back!

Why teach it?

Puppet by David Almond is a book that spans many themes, such as loneliness, daring to take risks, caring, compassion and the importance of creativity. It’s ideal for sharing with both KS2 and older KS1 pupils.

Here, the illustrations form as much a part of the story as the text, and help in bringing the tale to life. They are a useful tool when looking at the art of storytelling, and comparing different types of texts such as comics and newspapers.

This book would also make a fantastic accompaniment for a puppet-making topic or a planned trip to a puppet theatre. It’s great for inspiring drama/music and movement sessions, as well as making a good basis for poetry or creative writing activities.

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Karen Hart is an independent drama teacher, author and freelance writer.

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Puppet by David Almond – KS1/2 cross-curricular planning
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