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Properties of materials KS2 – Design your own toothpaste

Marc Bowen
by Marc Bowen

Deputy head and published author

What's included?

PDF lesson plan

Key Stage



Years 3-6


Transform an everyday chore into an opportunity for exciting STEM adventures with this properties of materials KS2 lesson plan…

Creating potions has long held a fascination with children. It might be combining leaves and petals from the garden, or immersing themselves in the gloopy wonderfulness of slime.

This investigation will help pupils to realise that ‘mixing potions’ isn’t just a fun activity. It’s what’s scientists do all the time, with the results of creative chemistry sitting in their bathroom cabinet!

Through their own experiments they will unlock their understanding of the properties of materials and how they can combine them to create a highly effective toothpaste.

Properties of materials KS2 learning objectives

  • Know how the various ingredients within toothpaste have their own properties, which all have different functions
  • Design, create and test different formulations, utilising numeracy skills
  • Record observations, make comparative judgements and draw conclusions

Starter activity

The end goal of this lesson is for the children to create and test their own toothpaste formulas. It could be fun to set the lesson within the context of a national toothpaste crisis: some toothpastes aren’t cleaning properly, others taste strange, and some even fall off the toothbrush too quickly!

Toothpaste companies are baffled and need expert help. Explain to pupils that they will need to explore various ingredients, experiment with their combinations, and evaluate how well their toothpaste cleans, smells, and stays on the brush.

This is also a great opportunity to emphasise the creativity and imagination intrinsic within science.

Marc Bowen is a deputy head and primary teacher in South Wales.

Properties of materials KS2 lesson plan
Properties of materials KS2 – Design your own toothpaste
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