This free PDF features a range of classroom games, ideas and prompts for creative writing from The National Literacy Trust.
It will help you celebrate writing, reflect on reasons for writing and encourage everyone to find their own motivation and voice.
Run these activities across your literacy lessons during National Writing Day in June. Alternatively, use them at a time that suits writing for enjoyment in your classroom.
The activities are suitable for primary and secondary pupils. They can be completed independently, in pairs or in small groups, either in the classroom or at home. The idea is to support pupils with writing and finding their own motivation and voice.
Prompts for creative writing
The included prompts for creative writing will inspire writers of all ages to pick up their pencils and write for enjoyment. Encourage your pupils to write creatively, with less thought about structure, grammar and spelling and more thought about enjoying the experience.
Although writing is the main outcome of these prompts, pupils may want to add illustrations or display their work creatively.
Classroom writing games
Early Years/KS1
- Who is the character?
- What’s in the bag?
- What’s the colour?
- Finish the story
- Sunny day/rainy day
The National Literacy Trust provides a wide range of top-quality resources to help engage and inspire children’s writing, reading and oracy in early years settings, primary and secondary classes.
In addition, it offers school improvement tools, training and CPD to support educators’ knowledge and skills and build a positive literacy culture in your school.