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Probability worksheets – KS3 PowerPoint & worksheets

What's included?

Powerpoint, worksheets for higher and lower ability pupils, plus a PDF spinner template

Key Stage



Years 7-9


Use these probability worksheets and lesson PowerPoint to cover:

  • describing probability
  • the probability scale
  • how we calculate probability (eg flipping a coin)
  • probability of certain events (eg rolling a die).

Probability worksheets

The probability worksheets are for both higher and lower abilities and are good for homework. There are also PDF spinner templates for an in-class activity.

The first worksheet asks this question: From the 26 letters in the alphabet, what is the chance of picking…

  • A?
  • A or B?
  • Z?
  • a vowel?
  • a consonant?
  • a letter from the name BRIAN?
  • Plus more…

What is probability?

The probability of something happening means how likely it is to happen or the chance of it happening. Probability can be shown in fraction or deciaml form and adds up to 1.

How do we calculate probability?

Probability = number of ways it can happen divided by total number of outcomes

KS3 maths curriculum area

Probability Record, describe and analyse the frequency of outcomes of simple probability experiments involving randomness, fairness, equally and unequally likely outcomes, using appropriate language and the 0-1 probability scale

Miss Morgan is a teacher of maths in Liverpool, hoping to share best practice, explore new ideas and inspire a love of maths. You can find her resources on her website and on her TES page Morgan93. Follow her on Twitter at @missmorganmaths. Download 100+ problem-solving questions in our KS3 maths worksheets pack from White Rose Maths.

Probability worksheets and PowerPoint
Probability worksheets – KS3 PowerPoint & worksheets
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