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Poem templates – Nature poems for kids

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7-page activities PDF

Key Stage

KS1, KS2


Years 1-6


This free poem templates PDF features poetry examples, poem templates and teacher notes…

It contains three simple ways to get your class having lots of imaginative fun with nature and poetry.

Paper bag list poem

Activity 1 is about writing a simple list poem. This is a great way to sharpen up pupils’ sensory awareness and exercise their imaginations.

Prompt: Fill up a paper bag with _____ and use them to _____


Fill up a paper bag with autumn leaves and use them to wrap up Christmas presents for an ant
Fill up a paper bag with snowflakes and use them to decorate your room

Dear moon letter poem

This activity is a chance to exercise and promote a heightened appreciation of nature by imagining another way of looking at things; through the eyes of something in nature.


Dear _____ (specific animal)
I think you are so ______
I like when you ______
Do you always ______
I wonder if you ______
Maybe you could _____
I’ll try to _____
Your friend, me


Dear elephant
I think you are so friendly.
I like when you flap your ears.
Do you always spray water from your big trunk?
I wonder if you worry about having enough to eat?
Maybe you could let me get close to you?
I’ll try to visit you again.
Your friend, me

Comparison poem

The comparison poem in this pack is an interesting way to stretch thinking, synthesise ideas and really have some imaginative fun.


When I was the _____
I used to _____
Now that I’m a _____
I can _____


When I was an ant
I used to hold little seeds
Now that I’m a tree
I can hold little ants

Children might find it easier to tackle this poem if the possibilities are limited. Ask that the first verse is about something small and the second one is about something large.

This idea can be used for all kinds of comparisons: colours, noises, animals of different sizes, natural forces, etc.

Zaro Weil is author of CLiPPA award-winning book Cherry Moon. Visit her website here. Follow her on Twitter at @zaroweil. Read more from Zaro about exploring nature through poetry. Browse more ideas and resources for teaching KS2 poems.

Poem templates – Nature poems for kids
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