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Place value Year 1 – Sorting objects worksheets

by Teachwire

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What's included?

Teacher notes, 10-page worksheet plus extension activities

Key Stage



Year 1


These free place value Year 1 worksheets fit the White Rose Maths Scheme of Learning:

  • Year 1 Autumn Term. Block 1: Place Value
  • Small Step 1: Sort Objects


Children need to sort groups by characteristics before they count.

  • Year 1 Number – Number and Place Value
  • Identify and represent numbers using concrete objects and pictorial representations including the number line, and use the language of: equal to, more than, less than (fewer), most, least

Maths focus

  • Children will develop their understanding of sorting and grouping objects
  • They will be able to recognise and explain similarities and differences
  • They will be able to understand that a group of objects can be sorted in various ways using different criteria

Maths talk

  • Classifying and sorting involves finding things that are the same, or alike, and grouping them by specific traits or attributes. Children can then compare items further to learn more specific similarities and differences between items, both within and between matched groups.
  • Help children to develop vocabulary such as ‘classify,’ ‘sets’ and ‘categories’ and discuss how things can be grouped and sorted.
  • Use words to compare items such as ‘same,’ ‘different,’ ‘fewer,’ ‘longer,’ ‘heavier’ and ‘lighter.’
  • Talk about the concepts of similarity and difference by asking questions such as: ‘How are the objects/items in each group similar or different?’
Place value Year 1 worksheets
Place value Year 1 – Sorting objects worksheets
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