Worksheet featuring exercises and a mini story
Early Years, KS1
Years R-2
This ow grapheme worksheet is a sample from No Nonsense Phonics Skills – a comprehensive step-by-step method of teaching reading, handwriting and spelling.
The worksheet, taken from Pupil Book 6, provides exercises and a ‘mini story’ for the grapheme ‘ow’.
Grapheme worksheet
In many words, the grapheme ‘ow’ is code for the sound /ou/ as in owl. ow is code for /oa/ in some words, such as such as: bow, tow, snow, slow, grow, throw
In this worksheet, children need to finger trace the letter shapes from the dots, then write the capital and lower case letter groups, while saying the sound /ou/.
Next, they need to think about where they can hear the sound /ou/ in these words:
- cow
- branches
- crowns
- frown
The next task is about underlining ow in a list of words, including:
- now
- down
- fowl
- row
- growl
- owlets