KS1, KS2
Years 2-6
Introduce children to philosophy and develop their reasoning and questioning skills with this philosophy for primary schools resource.
It will develop their understanding of ethics and virtues and also provides wider SMSC (Social, Moral, Social and Cultural) experiences.
It can work well with any year group from 2 to 6, but especially for Lower Key Stage 2, or as part of an Ancient Greece theme.
The lessons work by sharing a specially written story, either by watching the videos on YouTube or by downloading the story for the teacher to read aloud.
It follows Delphi, a girl in ancient Athens, who becomes interested in philosophy after meeting the famous philosopher Socrates.
During the story, there are ‘big questions’ which can be discussed with the children and opportunities for activities to develop specific thinking skills.
The stories enable the teacher to model good ways of expressing ideas, and lead discussions at whatever level of difficulty appropriate for the class.
David Whitney is a primary school teacher, SMSC leader and the creator and writer of Delphi Philosophy.
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