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PE games KS2 – Improve agility with an air hockey rally

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PDF lesson plan

Key Stage



Years 3-6



Encourage fair play alongside competition with this exciting PE games KS2 idea…

Air hockey may not be the activity that immediately springs to mind when you think about getting kids up and moving. Does it conjure memories of teenage arcades and greasy chips?

Well, this version will get hearts pumping and encourage pupils to think about all sorts of important sporting elements, such as:

  • timing
  • fair play and rules
  • strength and intensity of movement
  • aim

Tournaments add a sense of competition, and music to punctuate each section’s pace creates an exciting atmosphere. Ready, set, rally!

PE games KS2 learning objectives

  • Hand-eye coordination
  • Balance
  • Muscular endurance and identification of key muscles involved in the activity
  • Strategic decision making and consideration of how to outwit an opponent

Starter activity

To raise the pulse and get the energy injected into the lesson from the outset, play some music and model different movement methods for children to copy around the hall:

  • jogging
  • side steps
  • heel-flicks
  • high-knees
  • skips

Encourage the development of spatial awareness by challenging pupils to move in and out of the goals without colliding with others or touching the cones.

Once the song has finished, take the class through some static or dynamic stretches. Begin discussion around the names of the key muscles that will be used in the air hockey tournament extravaganza that is about to take place.

Ben Holden is head of physical education at High Tunstall College of Science, a senior teacher, SLT, and NPQSL. His bestselling book Wanna Teach PE? (£18.99, Scholary) is out now.

PE games KS2 lesson plan
PE games KS2 – Improve agility with an air hockey rally
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