Start this negative numbers worksheet for KS3 by adding a positive value on to a negative value. Next, look at further sums involving positives and negatives.
You’ll then explore subtractions that result in a negative value. Prompt your pupils to notice why this is.
This worksheet is suitable for KS3, although this topic also appears on Foundation tier at GCSE level.
Pattern spotting activity
Next there is an opportunity for a bit of pattern spotting (Q4). Pupils need to think abotu what will happen if they continue in this pattern.
Generalisation is the focus from Q5 onwards. Students need to rewrite various examples as a calculation involving the sum or difference of two positive integers, eg 35 – 50 = -(50 – 35).
We’ve kept the numbers big enough that they require thoughtful calculation. Q7 is an exception to this and is there to get pupils thinking about what it means to subtract a negative value.
The final five questions (Q10-14) allow pupils to practise working with multiplication and division involving negative values. This includes bringing back some basic order of operations work (Q14).
Free printable worksheets
We’ve designed these worksheets to allow pupils to try all significant aspects of the content, but also to notice something about the structure behind each content area.
Students will need to engage in reasoning to explain why they’re seeing the results they are.
We’ve limited worksheets requiring arithmetic to integer calculation so pupils who are not yet fluent in decimal/fractional arithmetic can use them.
Where pupils have these pre-requisite skills, we recommend adapting the questions (where appropriate) to include this content.
We’ve included an answer sheet in the download for your convenience.
Peter Mattock is an assistant headteacher and secondary mastery lead for the East Midlands South Maths Hub. He’s the author of Visible Maths and Conceptual Maths (Crown House Publishing). Follow Peter on Twitter at @MrMattock.
Teaching negative numbers in KS2? Try this negative numbers worksheet. Download 100+ problem-solving questions in our KS3 maths worksheets pack from White Rose Maths. Download more Key Stage 3 maths worksheets