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SecondaryDesign & Technology

Biomimetics – KS3 D&T nature and design lesson plan

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PDF lesson plan

Key Stage



Years 7-9

Mother Nature knows a thing or two about design – so why not let her inspire your students with this biomimetics lesson plan?

During this lesson on biomimetics and design, students will learn how to look closely at nature and extrapolate from the properties of natural objects.

It will give learners an opportunity to develop design ideas and encourage innovative thought. By looking to nature as inspiration for design ideas students will create diverse design solutions.

The natural world, which has evolved over millennia, has perfected energy-efficient design such as the formation of veins in a leaf, the open or closed position of bracts in a pine cone or the shape of sycamore seeds.

When teaching, emphasis can be placed on the possibility of designing with minimal energy and without damaging the environment.

The lesson includes links to films from the BBC that feature scientists and the development of biomimetic materials and products.

Within the films there are practical classroom activities to extend the lesson into more focused study. Students will feel confident in their ability to be creative and innovative and hopefully have a greater appreciation of the abundance of ideas in the natural world around us.

Why teach this?

Biomimetics is a relatively new and exciting field of research that is referenced in the D&T national curriculum.

Biomimetics is the study of nature as inspiration for design. It will link students’ knowledge of the natural world to D&T and teach them how to develop creative ideas into innovative designs.

Starter activity

Resources: Velcro for students to look at the hook and loop inspired by Burdock seeds

Show your students ‘An introduction into Biomimetics: inspiration from nature’. They should note any key words or phrases whilst watching the film.

Teacher-led questions and answers following the clip can aid discussion and clarify meaning for the whole group.

Zoe Eaves teaches at Judgemeadow Community College in Leicester. She is a member of the Design and Technology Association Innovation Group and has worked with them on developing a range of curriculum resources.

Biomimetics KS3 lesson plan
Biomimetics – KS3 D&T nature and design lesson plan
SecondaryDesign & Technology
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