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PrimaryArt & DesignEnglish

Creative activities EYFS – Myths & legends from around the world

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Key Stage

Early Years


Year R


The world’s folklore can provide rich inspiration for creative activities in EYFS. It offers a rich tapestry of tales that you can use again and again with young children.

Every country has its own traditional tales, with fabulous stories and legends built up over thousands of years of history.

Although different cultures operate in different ways, you’ll be able to draw comparisons. This gives children a base from which they can expand their understanding, learn about the world around them and, of course, have fun.

To get you started, this PDF contains four myths from around the world and some creative activities and play ideas. Use them as a springboard for your own ideas, but, most importantly, let the group lead the way.

Creative activities about myths and legends

  • The Golden Apple – This Greek tale provides the origin, in mythological terms, for the Trojan war. It shows how one simple action can cause a chain of events…
  • Skadi’s Tale – This Norse myth is about a giantess with attitude…
  • Spider Rock & Spider Woman – This Navajo myth centres around the famous Spider Rock in Arizona. It’s a lovely story which shows that every creature has a special skill…
  • The Sun Man – This short South African myth explains how the sun came into being…

Creative activities EYFS example

Provide the group with lots of different fruity shapes (bananas, apples, pears, strawberries) and encourage them to mix up colours and patterns. For example, you might have a purple spotted pear.

With older children, ask them to create their own magical fruit. What would it look and taste like? Ask them to draw and describe the fruit and what it does.

For example, it could be a chocolate banana that makes you invisible! Encourage them to share their ideas with the rest of the group.

Alison Davies is a creative practitioner and author. Her book, Using Festivals to Inspire and Engage Young Children: A Month-by-Month Guide published by Routledge, is available now.

Creative activities EYFS ideas
Creative activities EYFS – Myths & legends from around the world
PrimaryArt & DesignEnglish
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