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Adjectival agreement French – KS3 resource

What's included?

PDF, PowerPoint, Google Slides

Key Stage



Years 7-9


This adjectival agreement French resource for KS3 asks students to explain

  • The four different ways of saying “the” in French
  • Why there are four words and what each one is used for

There is a activity for students to try, where they have to use the provided vocabulary and their own explanation to translate sentences into French. For example:

  • The grandfather is intelligent
  • The aunt is polite
  • The mother is tall

Students can also make up more sentences in a similar vein.

Next, pupils need to look at the following sentences and explain what they notice and why both are correct:

Le père est triste = The father is sad
La mère est triste = The mother is sad

There are then five more sentences to translate into French, using the supplied vocabulary.

The final task involves thinking about the words for ‘small’ in the following sentences:

Les cousins sont petits = The cousins are small (male)
Les cousins sont petites = The cousins are small (female)

To conclude the activity, students need to come up with a set of rules for using adjectives in French.

Adjectival agreement French download

The download includes three versions of the resource: PDF, PowerPoint file and link to access on Google Slides.

Read more about how to introduce gendered nouns in KS3 French.

Dominic McGladdery is a blogger and teacher of French, German and Spanish with over 20 years’ experience. Find him on his website at

Adjectival agreement French resources
Adjectival agreement French – KS3 resource
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