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Maths patterns – Pattern and matrix non-verbal reasoning tasks

What's included?

PowerPoint, Word doc and PDF

Key Stage



Years 3-6


This non-verbal reasoning maths patterns resource will support the growth of maths reasoning skills. It has been designed as a PowerPoint to make it easy for you to edit and add your own notes for learners.

Many of the shapes are editable to allow you to create further patterns.

Find explanatory notes and answers in the download. There’s also an article about the latest thinking on spatial and relational reasoning skills and how to encourage them from an early age in order to protect against maths difficulties.

The first set of questions requires the learner to complete the pattern by selecting one of the four options below it.

Maths patterns and matrices teacher notes

Don’t over-prime pupils. You could tell them to consider:

  • shape
  • size
  • colour
  • reflections
  • any number properties in the patterns (eg number of edges to a shape)
  • properties of lines
  • changes that occur horizontally
  • changes that occur vertically
  • rotation

However, this does not give them time to develop their own thinking and skills in scrutinising the patterns. 

Tease out the different attributes during discussion. Pupils can build their own strategy sheet as they get more experience in working with the patterns. 

This sheet is for their own use. Therefore it can be a mixture of annotations and images/sketches to capture key points in the reasoning processing. 

To extend pupils’ learning, ask them to write their own explanation of how they or their group found a solution, describing key principles and strategies.

Alternatively, ask pupils to create their own matrix puzzles and present them to the class.

Gill Cochrane is a former primary school teacher. She is now the lead developer on the specialist literacy and maths courses run by Real Training in partnership with Dyslexia Action.

Its online courses are designed to help primary maths teachers and maths specialists instil a deeper mathematical understanding and build confidence in all learners, particularly children with maths difficulties. Find out more at

Maths patterns resources
Maths patterns – Pattern and matrix non-verbal reasoning tasks
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