Five sets of PDF worksheets, with answers
KS1, KS2
Years 1-4
This series of maths in real life worksheets for KS1 are also suitable for those in LKS2. Maths teacher John Bee has carefully designed the resources to expose mathematical structures and allow children to use and apply times tables in the real world.
These maths in real life worksheets support children in using their times tables to count with specific variations to allow for deep thinking and depth of understanding.
There are five worksheets to choose from and each one also contains answers.
Example maths in real life questions
- Look at the illustrations of hands and write down how many 5s you can count
- Look at the illustrations of people’s faces and write down how many eyes you can count
- How many legs are there on five elephants? Five octopus? Six centipedes? Eight spiders?
- How many more legs do the octopus have than elephants?
- Ladybirds and parrots are in a tree. There are 24 legs all together. How many ladybirds and parrots could there be?
- Look at the illustration and work out the difference between chair legs and stool legs
- Look at the dominoes and work out which number sentence is correct
- Write a number sentence for the array
- How many eyes do 5 children have all together? How many toes?
John Bee is head of KS2 and maths leader at a primary school. Follow him on Twitter at @mrbeeteach and visit his website at
More resources
- Read more advice about how to teach times tables
- Download Year 1 maths worksheets or Year 2 maths worksheets
- Download our times tables worksheets bumper pack
- Browse more times tables activities