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Maths games – Free KS1/2 resource pack for 4 games

What's included?

Five PDFs

Key Stage

KS1, KS2


Years 1-6


This pack contains four maths games for students to try.

Fractions cards

You can print and use these Fractions Cards to compare fractions, show equivalence and model adding and subtracting fractions.

Doubles cards

The Doubles Cards show doubles up to 20 within 10-frames, helping children to visualise these number facts. Cut the cards out, then turn over one card at a time. Children say the double fact shown on the card.

Bordering 10 cards

The bordering 10 cards help children to see how you break down single-digit numbers for addition calculations that border 10.

Factors and multiples game

This is a game for two players. The first player chooses a positive even number that is less than 50 and crosses it out on the grid. The second player chooses a number to cross out. The number must be a factor or multiple of the first number.

Players continue to take it in turns to cross out numbers, at each stage choosing a number that is a factor or multiple of the number just crossed out by the other player. The first person who is unable to cross out a number loses.

There are 1-24, 1-40 and 1-50 grids. Use the Factors and Multiples Next Move grids to think about the best next move. This will allow you to model to children the process of thinking a few moves ahead.

I See Maths’ resources and training make learning visual and deep, helping children to build conceptual understanding through carefully designed instruction. Download more on its website at Browse more maths games KS1 ideas and maths games KS2 ideas.

Maths games resources
Maths games – Free KS1/2 resource pack for 4 games
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