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Maths games KS3 – Classroom PowerPoint with answers

What's included?

23-slide PowerPoint

Key Stage



Years 7-9


Try out this maths games KS3 PowerPoint if you’ve got unexpected time left in your lesson, or you want a fun end-of-term activity to get students’ brains whirring.

Maths games KS3

Magic squares

These have the same total for every row, column and diagonal. Can students fill in the magic squares with:

  • Positive integers
  • Values 3-11
  • Digits 1-9
  • Values -8-0
  • Fractions
  • Values 1-16

Symbol grids

In this puzzle, each symbol represents a different positive integer. We’ve given the totals of each row and column. Can students work out the value of each symbol?

Count the…

How many squares can pupils find in our square-tastic illustration? How many in our triangle version?

Stacked fractions

Can students work out the value of each of our stacked fraction calculations? What do they notice?


Ask students to complete our crossnumber with cube numbers from 33 to 153. Which cube number can’t they place in the grid?

Why play games in maths?

Playing maths games helps students build important maths concepts and skills in a relaxed way. It’s like sneaking learning into playtime! Maths games can improve problem-solving abilities, enhance students’ understanding of numbers and boost their confidence in maths.

Maths games can also encourage teamwork and friendly competition. When students play games together, they learn to collaborate, communicate and support each other. Competition can be healthy and motivate them to do their best. It’s a great way to build social skills while learning maths at the same time.

Emma Weston is a Maths Regional Lead Practitioner for Ormiston Academies Trust, and co-author of Succeeding As a Maths Teacher. Browse more maths puzzles, KS2 maths games, KS3 maths games and lessons and GCSE maths games.

Maths games KS3 PowerPoint
Maths games KS3 – Classroom PowerPoint with answers
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