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Maths games GCSE – Million Pound Drop & other games

What's included?

3 x editable PowerPoints

Key Stage



Years 10-11


Looking for maths games GCSE students will love? These fun (and free) resources from maths teacher Ama Dickson will engage and motivate your pupils and encourage them to engage in some serious retrieval practice

Million Pound Drop PowerPoint

Get ready for an exciting learning experience inspired by a famous TV game show – Million Pound Drop. In this activity, students team up to tackle multiple-choice questions on key topics or common misconceptions.

You can use this free PowerPoint to join the fun, or customise it to target specific areas where your class needs extra help.

Each round, students wager all their ‘money’. But beware – if you bet on a wrong answer, you lose it all. The team with the most cash left at the end takes the prize.

Adjust group sizes based on your class size. If you’re worried about managing behaviour, you can keep students in their usual seats and stick closely to your regular lesson routine.

Around the Room PowerPoint

Rearrange your classroom layout by pushing the tables against the walls. Then, print out and scatter these 12 exam questions across the tables.

Pair up your students and set the timer for some adrenaline-filled fun. They’ll tackle each exam question together on their answer sheet. Halfway through, flip over the question paper for some helpful hints.

You can customise your own questions to match your class’s needs if you like.

Roll the Dice PowerPoint

Get into groups of three or four, and make sure everyone has a different coloured pen handy.

Each group will need the A3 sheet included in this download and a pair of dice. Each student writes their name on the sheet in their chosen colour.

Now, it’s game time! Roll the dice to determine which question in the grid you’ll tackle. Answer your assigned question, then pass the torch to the next teammate.

Tailor the questions to match the skills of your class. With everyone using different coloured pens, it’s easy to spot who might need some extra help.

Ama Dickson is a maths teacher and regular contributor to Collins’ series of maths revision guides. She regularly posts maths instruction videos to TikTok as @mathscrunch. Find out more about these GCSE maths games and read about other great classroom ideas. We’ve also got maths games KS2 ideas.

Maths games GCSE resources
Maths games GCSE – Million Pound Drop & other games
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